The Winthrop IKEA was massive. The high ceilings and clean white everything gave the inside of the blue warehouse a pristine shimmer. But it was easily the worst IKEA in America. For starters, none of the employees spoke a word of english, only swedish. Locals can walk the aisles for hours looking for an employee to help them, only to be brushed off with a simple “nejröst.” The IKEA has quickly become notorious for their terrible service. Second, there have been multiple reports of hair found in the meatballs. Whether it is from the workers or the horses, is yet to be determined. Even with all these reasons to avoid the IKEA, locals can’t seem to stay away from the cheap plastic furniture and easy to assemble tables.
Lately, Mab has been frequenting the IKEA. If you come at the right time, you can catch him whipping up some labranoodles in one of the model kitchens or taking a cat nap in the bedroom section. And if you’re brave enough and know the password, he will tell you your fortune. He did after all, predict the murder that occurred weeks ago.
Things are still really cold in Winthrop Place, but it hasn't gotten any colder since the last post. In the forest, someone has put up a shiny new blue mailbox.
The post office in town is only used for out of town mail deliveries. If someone wants mail delivered in town, the mail goes Into one of the the blue mail boxes around town. There are three mailmen, Logos, Pathos and Ethos. Logos is really mean and grumpy all the time. Pathos is kind and loved by all of the residents. Ethos is pretty unknown and rarely seen. At any given time, two of the mail men are sick, and only one is working. This changes every week.
The mailbox that Logos picks up from is by the underground trailer park. It's rusty, with nails sticking out of it and covered in dents. People are afraid that if they get too close, they'll get Tetanus and to get the box open, you have to jerk the door open.
Logos is missing a hand.
The mailbox by the apple trees is Pathos's mailbox. There's a jasmine plant growing around the mailbox, but it never grows over the opening of the mailbox. Pathos always gives out gifts when he delivers mail.
The mail box by See's coffee is Ethos's mailbox. It's a normal mailbox--what were you expecting?
The mail men only pick up from their mailbox, but distribute all over Winthrop Place. It's gamble to put your mail into a mailbox because it's always a mystery which two mailmen are sick.
Now that there's a new mail box, it must mean there's a new mailman too. Who's the new mailman? And how will the new mailbox evolve to resemble them?
Between the Elementary School and the shop called Rose Records, there is an alley. One sunny afternoon, I heard the back door of the school open, which startled me, and out came a simple janitor. From my hiding spot- my mouse hole, I watched the janitor take a look around him, checking to see if anyone was around. Then, from his pocket he pulled out a pouch of tiny woodworking tools. He then began fixing up the tiny houses that lined the alley. The houses, I discovered, were indeed not for me and my mouse family, but for fairies. These Fairy Houses were architecturally beautiful. They were whimsical, and dramatic, and I had never seen anything like them. The walls were made entirely of small twigs, with roofs made of leaves. They glittered and sparkled in the light, and he had carefully placed a strand of twinkle lights throughout the town. After the janitor had finished these tiny additions, he quickly looked around, as if he had awoken from a dream. He hurried off quickly, in the direction of the elementary school. Once the daylight began to turn into twilight the dewdrop sized lights clicked on, as they were on a timer. I heard the thudding footsteps of an over excited elementary schooler and just as I began to shrink back into my hole, a young boy that looked to be about 6 rounded the corner. His hazel eyes widened in wonder as he took in the mystical sight that he beheld. He turned and scurried away before returning with a whole gaggle of elementary schoolers who suddenly fell silent at the delicate fairy town before them.
In the following days I witnessed the same group of elementary schoolers return to the fairy houses to gather and stare in their childhood wonder that still believed in the possibility of magic. Midway through the week, one child, the same young boy who first discovered the houses, began leaving crumbs of food for what I could only assume was his form of an offering for the fairies he believed inhabited the small, shimmering houses. Other children then began leaving food while some chose to leave doll shoes and brushes.---------------------------------------------------------------------AND/OR-----------------------------------------------------------------
Around the back of the police station, up past Redwood Avenue, a few steps into the field, lays a circular pond, framed with silver maple trees and the rusting CP water tower. Sometimes, in the dead of winter, when most of the trees have shed their leaves, and the sky is bright and the air is cold, the pond is occupied by a few, warmly bundled skaters, making use of the ice while it lasts.
While, technically against the city law, the policemen enjoy watching the families gather to skate. They seem to have a soft spot for the icy pond, and on quiet days, when snow lazily drifts down from the clouded sky, they’ll let a few inmates go out back and skate for a hour or two. After the jitters of navigating slippery ice disappear, the worn, tired faces of the men and women transform into broad smiles, and even though the officers are watching them carefully, it almost feels like they are really truly free.
Almost everyone in the city has donated to the Little Free Library of Ice Skates; each year the collection almost doubles. Somehow, whatever size shoe you need can be found tucked in the corners of the small lilac box.
If you look close enough under the surface of the ice, there is a singular purple mitten embedded under a thick layer of glazed water, frozen and thawed time and time again each season. A couple walks along the edge when they notice a crack in the mesmerizing ice. As they looked closer, they notice a gaping hole in the frozen water. The mitten is gone.
Memo and the Kelp Forest
There is a boy in the aquarium. He has blonde hair with a blue streak in the front. His name is is Memo. His mother was eaten by a shark back when he was a wee youngin. His dad whose name is Gerald works at the aquarium as the curator of aquatic life and is secretly trying to find mermaids. The reason Memo’s mother was eaten by a shark was because of her husband’s research that went too crazy - she was all about adventure and swam right into a shark trap. Memo is standing in front of the tank.
There is only one tank in the aquarium that all of the animals share. There seems to be some kind of trance over the animals; they live in perfect harmony with one another, so there has never been need for another tank. Occasionally, fish are removed, added, or exchanged, but nobody knows how they get there.
Memo notices a bunch of small fish gathered against the glass at one place. He goes to explore their strange behavior and notices a hairline crack in the glass running from the bottom of the tank to the top. Some of the fish look shimmery and seem to be appearing and disappearing around the crack. Memo reaches out to touch the crack, and feels a pull in his gut. Suddenly, the aquarium disappears around him and he is in the middle of the ocean. He looks around underwater, noticing that he is still able to breathe. He is in the middle of a flat sandy area, devoid of plants or any sea life besides some small grey fish. He looks down, and the ground is covered in scales that have been seemingly discarded from an animal. They seem to have lost any life or color they may have once possessed. Off in the distance, there is a forest of sea kelp, tall and dark in the murky water. He is afraid to move. His hand is still held out, and he can still feel the small crack in the aquarium glass, even though he can no longer see it. The sunlight that is left in the sky to filter through the water is tinged green. He focuses his eyes on the kelp forest, which is swaying back and forth in the gentle current. He stares for such a long time that he begins to see shapes in the water by the forest, as if large animals were swimming slowly, lethargically in and out. He gasps and steps back, his hand losing contact with the glass. The ocean disappears around him and he is back in the aquarium.
WHAT? I have to use all of these? No. Choose the one that will best help you in developing your character. The scene should be used throughout your blog to enhance/build your character. You are certainly allowed to use more than one, but try not to make it a list of sites you've visited.
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